

Last edited time
Oct 13, 2023 10:48 AM
Created time
Sep 20, 2023 06:04 AM
I remember as if it was yesterday, because… well, it was! I saw her playing with her friend at the beach; as if they were mocking each other while also playing tag. I saw her and I was hypnotised. Like the whole world focusing on a single object. Only. A. Single. Object. Nothing else. One. Later that night I went to the bar and there I saw her again. We crossed eyes. We noticed each other. We smiled. I gathered all the courage I had… and my drink. Piña Colada. Just because. Anyway, I walked towards her and said hi. She replied, and I will never forget the sweet sound of the first word I heard she say.
I remember as if it was yesterday. I saw her playing tag with her friend at the beach. I saw her and I was hypnotised. Like the whole world focusing on a single object. Only. A. Single. Object. Nothing else. Later that night I went to the bar and there I saw her again. We crossed eyes and we smiled. I gathered all the courage I had… and my drink. Piña Colada. I walked towards her and said hi. She replied, and I will never forget the sweet sound of the first word I heard she say.
I remember as if it was yesterday. I saw her at the beach. I saw her and I was hypnotised. Focused only on her. Only. On. Her. Nothing else. Later that night I crossed with her again at the bar. We smiled. I gathered all the courage I had… and my drink. I walked to her and said hi. She replied, and I will never forget the sound of her voice.
I remember that I saw her at the beach. I saw her and I was hypnotised. Focused only on her. Nothing else. Later I crossed with her again at the bar. We smiled. I gathered all the courage I had and said hi. She replied, and I will never forget that sound.
I saw her at the beach and I was hypnotised. Only her. Nothing else. Later I smiled hello at the bar. I walked and said hi. She replied, and I will never forget that sound.
I saw her and I was hypnotised. Only her. Later, I walked and said hi. She replied, and I will never forget that sound.
I saw her and only her. Later, I said hi. She replied, and I will never forget.
I saw her. Later, I said hi. She replied, and I will never forget.
I saw her. We said hi. I will never forget.
We said hi. I will never forget.
We… I will never forget.
We… I. Never. Forget.
We. Never. Forget.
Never. Forget.

notion image
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